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Okay, I'll be honest, I forgot to get this post done earlier in the week, so I'm gonna skip most of the intro and just get into the meat of this post, the books I'll be picking up. That way JT won't be TOO angry with me for my laziness... Probably... Anyway, here are the books I picked up today. At the comic shop... Today... Walking Dead #103, Red Hood and the Outlaws #13, Nightwing #13, Hellblazer #296, American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #5, Avengers Assemble #8, AvX: Consequences #2, Daredevil #19, Dark Avengers #182, Hawkeye #3, Marvel Point One #1, Mighty Thor #21, Venom #26, X-Factor #245. That brings me to 14 books. And there really aren't any I'm jumping up and down to read... I guess my three books for the week will be Marvel Point One #1, Hawkeye #3 and Red Hood and the Outlaws #13(just to mess with myself). If I get REALLY bored today(which probably won't happen), I'll put a review for Point One #1 up tonight, and add some other book as my final review. But I wouldn't count on that happening. As for my review days this week, they are Thursday, Saturday and Monday. Whew, glad I finally got this post out of the way! Now I'll make the hot tag to JT and get out of the way with a hearty X out!
I'm SO angry with X's laziness! Or not... whatever. These are the books that I, myself, me, JT, picked up at the comic shop... today. Walking Dead #103, Justice League #13, Nightwing #13, AVX Consequences #2, Hawkeye #3, Ultimate Spider-Man #16, and Venom #26. Of those seven comics, I guess I'll review Justice League #13, Venom #26 and I guess I'll do Nightwing #13 as my final review. My review days this week are Friday, Sunday and Tuesday, so come on those days for some JT reviewing-goodness. And just like that, that's the end of this NCD post, feel free to let us know what you guys picked up, and be sure to expect a review from X tomorrow (if not tonight) at 8 P.M. Til then, this is JT signing off!
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