21 Eylül 2012 Cuma

A Balanced Diet Makes A Balanced Body

Sharon asks…WHY The HELL DO GIRLS WANT TO BE STICK SKINNY SO BAD?I'm not saying that all girls want to be but I have 8 or 9 friends who always complain on and on about not being skinny enough like the abrocrombie models or runway models and all of them have attempted to be anorexic (Sorry about SP) and it makes me sick because average is good dont be underweight nor overweight keep a balance diet take care of your body FOR HEAVEN SAKE WERE ONLY IN THE 9TH GRADE AND ALREADY YOUR TRYING TO HAVE AN EATING DISORDER TO LOOK LIKE THOSE HALF DEAD MODELS, thats what I tell them and most of them are under 120 lb, I'm 116 and proud to be healthy, but why do teenage girls want to be bone skinny so

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