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As sure as the sun sets in the west, Marvel is releasing another first issue of Deadpool... Counting Cable/Deadpool, this is the fifth Deadpool series we've gotten(sixth if you want to count Agent X, which was kind of the spiritual successor of the first Deadpool ongoing). If I'm being completely honest, I'm not exactly looking forward to this comic... The first storyline sounds, well, pretty lame. But here's hoping new writers Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan prove me wrong and bring us a classic DP story.
Deadpool #1:
Summary: So some random necromancer has been running around resurrecting the deceased Presidents of the United States, hoping they could make the country more like the good ol' days. Captain America ended up decapitating the ghost of Harry Truman, but that action drove the media into a frenzy, so SHIELD decided to use somebody of a lesser status to hunt down these rogue presidents, that somebody being Deadpool. After defeating Franklin D Roosevelt in Manhattan, Pool is dispatched to Philadelphia, where many of the dead presidents had ended up. Unfortunately for Pool, he is shot in the back of the head by Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington declares that the zombie presidents were going to tear the country apart and then start it all over again.
Thoughts: Yep, this was about as bad as I was fearing... I means seriously, Deadpool vs the former presidents? Who the hell thought THAT was a good idea?! Basically this comic was terrible. It didn't have a good story, but it was also missing the humor that a Deadpool comic so desperately needs, especially for when the story is lacking. Comedy IS subjective, so hopefully there are some people out there who did enjoy this series. I just wasn't one of them. I really don't have anything good to say about this comic, so I think I should end this review here. Before signing off though, I will say that this series looks to be the first Marvel Now! casualty from my pull list... I'll give this title one more issue and then wait for a new writer(s) to take over the book.
Score: 3 1/2 out of 10.
So, I guess Deadpool's whole missing healing factor thing quietly fixed itself...
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