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Hey everyone, JT with my first review of the week and it's none other than Justice League, so let's get right to it because intro's are overrated, just like teams my Detroit Tigers beat in Semi-Final games. :D
Justice League #13
Summary: We pick up where we left off two months ago (Damn you Zero Month!) with Superman and Wonder Woman dealing with the fallout of locking lips, before Diana tells Clark she needs to leave and takes off. From there we jump to five days later and see Wonder Woman and Cheetah fighting each other in a gruesome battle, where we also learn that apparently Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth doesn't work on Cheetah for some reason. Wonder Woman is going a bit easy on Cheetah, tryingto help her because they used to be friends, but Cheetah doesn't want her help and uses this advantage to knock Wonder Woman out. She awakens later to see Cyborg and Flash helping her as she says she has to find Barbara, she can't fail her again. Next we see Batman and Aquaman talking to a recovering Steve Trevor, as Superman, Flash and Cyborg talk to Wonder Woman, as both groups learn about Wonder Woman's ties with Cheetah. Turns out they were friends after WW saved her from some terrorists, so Barbara used to study mythological artifacts for her and Steve. One day, Barbara mistakenly cut herself on a ancient dagger and was possessed by The Goddess of the Hunt, causing her to become The Cheetah. Steve says that Diana blames herself for Barbara becoming the Cheetah, just as she blames herself for him being attacked by Graves. Superman offers Wonder Woman help from the League in dealing with Cheetah, she denies but he persists that it's not because she needs it but because they want to help. She finally agrees to take the League's help, and they discuss that kiss and seem to be planning to continue their smooching ways. Outside the room, Flash and Cyborg have a conversation and Cyborg reveals that sometimes he thinks he's just a computer program that believes he's Vic Stone. He's not sure if he's alive and he feels like he's more computer than human sometimes, but Flash tells him computer's don't laugh, have favorite TV shows or worry about being robots. Cyborg says Flash may be right about that, and the two go meet back with Superman and Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman says they need to find the Congo Tribe that Cheetah's connected with as they may be able to help. From there we see the six league members, Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash in the Congo, looking for the Lost Tribe when suddenly they're attacked by Cheetah. She takes down Batman and Flash with quick blows then leaps on Superman and digs her fangs into his neck. Diana goes to check on Superman when he turns around and reveals he's been turned into a Male version of Cheetah?!
Thoughts: So Cheetah can turn people like a Vampire now?! Okay... I guess that helps make her more of a threat, plus it's more believable she can take on the League with help from Superman now. Maybe the next issue is when Batman pulls out Kryptonite and shows he's the master of contingency plans. This was a good issue though, I enjoyed the opening fight with WW and Cheetah, as well as the stuff with Cyborg, that really made his character a bit more relatable, since every since he's joined the team I've gotten the vibe he was more of a token character than anything, but I like that he's getting some character development for the first time since the opening arc. I do wish we had more for Aquman and Bats to do here than just interview Steve Trevor, that didn't even seem like a two person job but whatever... besides that small thing, I enjoyed this issue and I'm excited for the next one to see how the League deals with a Cheetah-controlled Superman.
Score: 7.5/10
Cheetah: Use your lasso on your precious flock and ask them about their darkest desires. See if your adorable heart can stomach what perversions you expose within them.
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