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Next up is Cable and X-Force #1... I wonder why Cable had to get top billing here? Why not just X-Force? Is Cable REALLY as big a name now as he used to be back in the day? All the cancelled Cable comics would tend to say otherwise... Eh, whatever, let's check this one out.
Cable and X-Force #1
Summary: This issue mainly follows two characters, Cable(duh) and... ugh... Our Former Lord and Savior, Hope. Cable is hanging out with Forge under a junkyard, where Forge is helping Cable deal with the fact that he no longer has the TO Virus. Meanwhile, Hope has been trying to track Cable down, so she decides to find Domino, whose luck powers should help with the search... So she can easily find Domino, a mercenary whose life depends on NOT being found unless she wants to be, but can't find Cable... Yup... Cable heads to Dr. Nemesis, and enlists him to help, since he has experience working on the brain and as such may be able to help with Cable's current issues. While taking Nemesis back to his base, Cable bumps into Hope, who bitches at him about being left behind before the two embrace. However, Hope gets a glimpse of a ship being destroyed after aping Cable's powers, while Cable passes out. After getting inside, Forge and Nemesis try to figure out what was wrong with Cable, while Domino and Hope... watch TV?! Cable wakes up annoyed and Domino and Hope are surprised to see the scene from Cable's mind, the ship being destroyed, happening live on TV.
Thoughts: This comic was... okay, I guess. It never really did anything for me. I'm not a big fan of any of the characters(sure, I thought Cable was cool as a kid, but then I grew up), and I downright hate Hope. Why couldn't SHE be getting killed off in Avengers Arena?! Hope is such an empty, uninteresting character... She was brought around for ONE reason(the idiotic Mutant Messiah!!!! thing) but that's over now, so can't she crawl under a rock and die now? Other than that, this comic just was. It wasn't awful, it wasn't great, it didn't leave me psyched for the next issue, it was just a way to spend 5 minutes or so. Eh, hopefully we ditch Hope, add Colossus and get a good story going here.
Score: 6 1/2 out of 10.
You see Cable in the bottom panel here? THAT'S how I feel whenever Our Former Lord and Savior Hope is in a comic I'm reading!!!
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